Laura Elisabeth Marte is a legal intern at KNOETZL whose practice focuses on arbitration and litigation.

Laura holds a degree in business law from the Vienna University of Economics and Business. During her studies, she gained valuable experience working at the University’s Institute for Criminal Law as a research assistant and completed internships in renowned law firms in Austria and Liechtenstein, where she worked on international dispute resolution cases. Laura also participated in the Franz von Zeiller Civil Law Moot Court, achieving the first place in the Vienna final and third place in the Austrian final. Laura also participated in the 30th Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, where she and her team received an honorable mention for the Memorandum for Claimant. This further reinforced her passion for dispute resolution at an international level and led her to spend an exchange semester in Scotland, providing her with national and international insights on both litigation and arbitration.

Laura is currently completing her court practice in parallel with her work at KNOETZL.



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Herrengasse 1, A-1010, Vienna, Austria