Emmanuel Kaufman, KNOETZL partner, spoke at the XII International Conference of the Club Español del Arbitraje

Between 18 and 19 June 2017, the International Conference of the Club Español del Arbitraje took place in Madrid. This was the twelfth edition of the largest Spanish speaking event in Europe which gathered more than 400 arbitration practitioners and in-house counsel. The overall topic of the conference was “Substantive law in arbitration. A hot…

Trade Secrets at Stake

How to best protect trade secrets – implications of the Directive (EU) 2016/943 of 8 June 2016 on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets)  The proper and timely protection of trade secrets as core corporate assets is key to a successful business. Leaks may lead to irreparable damage. Legal remedies do…

Bereicherungs- und SchadenersatzansprĂĽche im ImmaterialgĂĽterrecht

Copyright Design License Patent Trademark Value Concept

ImmaterialgĂĽterrechtliche SonderansprĂĽche Die zentralen ImmaterialgĂĽterrechtsgesetze (insbesondere UrhG, PatG, MSchG) gewähren demjenigen, dessen ImmaterialgĂĽterrechte verletzt wurden, neben Unterlassungs- und BeseitigungsansprĂĽchen auch besondere bereicherungs- und schadenersatzrechtliche AnsprĂĽche, die teilweise erheblich vom allgemeinen Zivilrecht abweichen und den Rechtsschutz verbessern sollen. Im Einzelnen hat der Verletzte die folgenden geldwerten AnsprĂĽche:  Anspruch auf angemessene LizenzgebĂĽhr Derjenige, dessen ImmaterialgĂĽterrecht unbefugt benutzt…

KNOETZL hosts Workshop in Cooperation with ELSA WU Wien

On the evening of 6 June 2017, KNOETZL — for the first time — hosted a workshop in cooperation with the European Law Students’ Association, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Business Law Chapter (ELSA WU Wien). The planning and execution of the successful event was handled jointly by KNOETZL associates working in cooperation with…

The impact of the binding opinion of the Court of Justice of the European Union on trade policy

EU flag, euro flag, flag of european union waving, yellow star on blue background

On 16 May 2017, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) issued a binding opinion relating to the competence of the EU to independently sign and conclude the free trade agreement with the Republic of Singapore (“EU-Singapore FTA”). The opinion dealing with the EU-Singapore FTA is of outmost importance since this agreement is…

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