With Distance… the Best – Safely Through the Corona Crisis

The safety of each and every person has absolute priority at KNOETZL — especially in our offices at Herrengasse 1!
Well before the coronavirus paralysed Austria, KNOETZL was prepared: Our understanding of early person-to-person spread of the disease in Wuhan, China got our attention. In January, 2020, our Management Committee discussed the threat and we ordered protective gear for all of our people. In February, the first employee training was held as part of our measures under the motto “ZCZD: Zero Cases Zero Deaths”. Safety measures like spacing and proper hand washing were taught and FFP2 masks were distributed.
At that time, we distributed a list of behavioral modifications designed to prevent transmission to our personnel. By the time Coronavirus crisis hit Austria, weeks later, all employees (without exception) were in home office. Today, KNOETZL also has washable masks for our employees and, after the gradual, government-sanctioned return from their home offices, they are required to take meticulous care in protecting the health of all visitors and fellow members of the KNOETZL family. One can easily find disinfectants, disposable towels and masks throughout our premises.
Firm employees wash or disinfect their hands and any objects they have touched en route (e.g. their mobile phone) whenever arriving at the office and always wear masks when leaving their own offices or at any time they come close to others. Each room at the firm is well ventilated and occupied by only one person.
In order to further raise awareness and to contribute to the prevention of the “second wave”, the firm had the pleasure to welcome the hygiene expert, Mrs. Elisabeth Ölzelt, of the Franz Josef Hospital, Austria’s central medical facility dedicated to treating Covid-19. She conducted a workshop entitled: “Hygiene measures at the workplace to protect against COVID-19”. From the correct use of mouth-nose protection to hand disinfection (including a demonstration under UV light), this expert covered everything.
At the end of the course, our safety measures for client and business meetings were critically examined. Ms. Ölzelt gratifyingly observed that our firm is “with distance (by far) the best”. We very much appreciate such acknowledgment for our measures from experts that, by some significant measure, distinguish our efforts for the safety of our employees and clients.
The health and safety of our people, our clients and our friends remains our absolute priority, and we pledge continuing, heightened diligence to that end.