KNOETZL veranstaltet am 15.05.2018 in Kooperation mit ELSA WU einen Workshop zum Thema „Cross Examination Skills“. Zuerst wird unser Schiedsrechtsexperte Florian Haugeneder einen EinfĂĽhrung in die Techniken der Zeugenbefragung geben. Im anschlieĂźenden Praxisteil wird interaktiv mit den Teilnehmern eine Zeugenbefragung simuliert. So können die Befragungstechniken geĂĽbt und angewendet werden. Alle Teilnehmer erhalten etwa eine Woche vor dem…
Bettina Knoetzl, White Collar Crime lawyer and partner at KNOETZL, addressed the absence of a clear and cogent Austrian anti-corruption program in her speech at the general assembly of Transparency International, through her role as President, Transparency International, Austrian Chapter: “It is astonishing that the whole program in the section “Justiz” (justice) of the new Austrian…
The newly-established Vienna Chapter of the International Section of the American Bar Association (ABA) set a high bar with its inaugural event, co-organized by the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA), which was held at KNOETZL: Prof Andy Spalding, Professor at the University of Richmond School of Law and Visiting Faculty at IACA spoke to a highly…
On 26 March 2018, KNOETZL hosted the Annual Event of the German-Austrian Chapter of the Club Español del Arbitraje (“CEA”) and the CEA-40 on the occasion of the 25th Willem C. Vis Commercial Arbitration Moot. The topic of this year event was “Transparency and Challenge of Arbitrators”. After the opening words of Emmanuel Kaufman (President of…
Posted On April 5, 2018 Events
Vienna Event on US and UK Anti-corruption Laws
We invite you to attend the event “Out of reach of US and UK anti-corruption laws? Think again.” jointly presented by the SIL Vienna Chapter and the International Anti-Corruption Academy / IACA and hosted by KNOETZL. Professor Andy Spalding will lead an interactive discussion starting at 14:00 on Wednesday, April 11, 2018. Please see the flyer for more information. ABA_IACA_flyer_11_April
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