Celebrating Excellence: Highlights from the CDRC Vienna 2024

There was reason to celebrate at the CDRC Vienna – The IBA-VIAC Mediation & Negotiation Competition awards: Students and their coaches from all around the world had demonstrated enthusiastically that exceptional skills and dedication lead to innovative solutions and continued excellence in dispute resolution. Our future is indeed bright with such talent at the helm!…

“Schulschluss: So legal sind Geschenke fĂĽr Lehrer”

In last week’s Kronen Zeitung, our partner Bettina Knoetzl, tackled a timely and important topic for pupils, parents and teachers: “Schulschluss: So legal sind Geschenke fĂĽr Lehrer”. As happens every year, many parents want to show their appreciation and gratitude to teachers. However, it is important to understand the legal boundaries implicated in this tradition.…

CDRC launch reception

Every year mediators, seasoned experts, negotiation coaches and assessors meet at the CDRC Vienna – The IBA-VIAC Mediation & Negotiation Competition, a global platform connecting current and future experts by teaming up with top universities and institutions from all across the world. The CDRC offers one of the best learning and networking experience for ADR…

Bucharest Arbitration Days

On 7 June 2024, KNOETZL partners Florian Haugeneder and Natascha Tunkel participated in this year’s amazing Bucharest Arbitration Days, sharing their expertise and insights with the global arbitration community. The panels were stellar, and the animation of the debates was truly excellent. Florian Haugeneder contributed to the panel “Investment Arbitration: Keeping Up with the States’…

Handbuch Wirtschaftsrecht – Konfliktmanagement Kapitel

Konflikte lassen sich fĂĽr Unternehmen leider nicht immer vermeiden. Wie mit diesen umzugehen ist und Risiken minimiert werden können, zeigt ein praktischer Leitfaden fĂĽr effizientes Konfliktmanagement, den KNOETZL-Partner Patrizia Netal und Florian Haugeneder  in Zusammenarbeit mit Amelie Huber-Starlinger (Tailored.Solutions) im Handbuch Wirtschaftsrecht verfasst haben. Darin werden innovative Strategien und Lösungen fĂĽr die Praxis vorgestellt, die…

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