Transparency and Challenge of Arbitrators – KNOETZL hosted the Annual Event of the German – Austrian Chapter of the Club Español del Arbitraje and CEA-40

On 26 March 2018, KNOETZL hosted the Annual Event of the German-Austrian Chapter of the Club Español del Arbitraje (“CEA”) and the CEA-40 on the occasion of the 25th Willem C. Vis Commercial Arbitration Moot.
The topic of this year event was “Transparency and Challenge of Arbitrators”. After the opening words of Emmanuel Kaufman (President of the German – Austrian Chapter of the CEA, KNOETZL), Juan Fernandez Armesto (CEA President, Armesto & Asociados, Madrid) gave a keynote-address on the relevance of transparency in international arbitration.
The keynote was followed by a panel moderated by Felipe Sperandio (Clyde & Co, London). During the panel discussion, Mr Paul Di Pietro (ICC, Paris), Ms Heidi Merikalla-Teir (The Finland Arbitration Institute, Helsinki) and Ms Elisabeth Vanas-Metzler (VIAC, Vienna) provided the views and practices of the different institutions. Finally, Mr Lukas Montoya (Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler, Geneva) presented the topic from the counsel’s perspective.
The participants actively contributed to the debate with questions and remarks based on their own experience from practice.