Chambers and Partners Practice Guide on International Arbitration 2024

Patrizia Netal, Florian Haugeneder, Jurgita Petkute and Natascha Tunkel contributed to the latest Chambers Practice Guide on International Arbitration 2024, providing a comprehensive overview of the legal framework and key trends shaping arbitration in Austria. As arbitration continues to be a preferred method for resolving complex cross-border disputes, Austria stands out with its arbitration-friendly legal…

Rechtspanorama „Gebührlich gefeiert“

Im heutigen Rechtspanorama blickt RAK-Vize-Präsidentin Mag. Bettina Knötzl auf das 50-jährige Bestehen des Österreichischen Rechtsanwaltskammertages (ÖRAK) zurück. Abseits der Feierlichkeiten und der Auszeichnung der Wiener Rechtsanwältin Dr. Alix Frank-Thomasser wurden viele Fragen aufgeworfen, die sich unter anderem mit der Rechtssicherheit beschäftigen. Wer rechtliche Unterstützung benötigt, findet diese bei der Wiener Rechtsanwältin oder beim Wiener Rechtsanwalt…

Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide on Enforcement of Judgments

KNOETZL contributed to the latest edition of the Austrian chapter for the Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide on Enforcement of Judgments. Authored by Bettina Knoetzl, Patrizia Netal, Katrin Hanschitz and Natascha Tunkel, the article provides a comprehensive exploration of the enforcement of domestic and foreign judgments in Austria, as well as the enforcement of…

ITA Roundtable: Denying the Benefits of Investment Treaties: Proposals at UNCITRAL Working Group III

On 23 September marked not only the beginning of the UNCITRAL Working Group III session in Vienna, but also the highly anticipated ITA Roundtable, hosted by KNOETZL, bringing together practitioners of investment treaty arbitration, arbitrators, States’ representatives and international observers. The panel discussion Denying the Benefits of Investment Treaties: Proposals at UNCITRAL Working Group III, focused…

KNOETZL at GAR Live Vienna 2024

KNOETZL is delighted to continue its support for GAR Live Vienna, which will take place on 27 September 2024 at the Vienna International Arbitral Centre. The conference aims to bring together leading arbitrators, private practitioners, in-house counsel and government representatives to explore the recent developments in arbitration affecting Europe. Be part of the discussion and…

ITA Roundtable at UNCITRAL Working Group III

Join us on 23 September 2024 for the highly anticipated ITA Roundtable at UNCITRAL Working Group III: Denying the Benefits of Investment Treaties: Proposals at UNCITRAL Working Group III, hosted by KNOETZL. The Roundtable will focus on Draft Provision 17 of the UNCITRAL paper A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.244 which addresses the ‘denial of benefits’ clause, allowing States to…

South-Eastern Europe Arbitration Conference 2024

We are excited to announce that our partner Jurgita Petkutė will be speaking at the second edition of the South-Eastern Europe Arbitration Conference SEEA “Current Trends in International Arbitration in South Eastern Europe”, joining the leading arbitration practitioners and scholars, which will take place on 26 September 2024, at the Almanac Palais in Vienna. Jurgita…