Roundtable on Damages and Compensation in Investor-State Arbitration

Next week the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Working Group III resumes its work in Vienna on the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform. On this occasion, Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA) and KNOETZL are cordially inviting you to the roundtable dedicated to the question of damages and compensation and, particularly, on addressing Draft…

Zwingende Disqualifikation von Geschäftsführern und Vorständen bei Strafverurteilungen

Seit 1.1.2024 gelten fĂĽr GmbH und AG neue Bestimmungen, die zu einer zwingenden Abberufung von Vertretungsorganen fĂĽhren, die fĂĽr bestimmte Wirtschaftsdelikte rechtskräftig verurteilt werden („Disqualifikation“). Disqualifizierte Personen dĂĽrfen von Kapitalgesellschaften fĂĽr die Dauer von drei Jahren nicht als GeschäftsfĂĽhrer oder Vorstandsmitglied bestellt werden. Fast unbemerkt neben der EinfĂĽhrung der neuen flexiblen Kapitalgesellschaft (FlexCo) und dem…

Rechtspanorama “HinweisgeberInnen gehören gehört”

Im Rechtspanorama am 18.12.2023 informiert RAK Vize-Präsidentin Mag. Bettina Knötzl anlässlich des HinweisgeberInnenschutzgesetzes über dessen Idee und Wirkung. Welche Rechte gestärkt werden und welcher Aufwand für die Unternehmen entsteht, lesen Sie hier. Wer rechtliche Unterstützung benötigt, findet diese bei der Wiener Rechtsanwältin oder beim Wiener Rechtsanwalt des Vertrauens:

Who’s Who Legal Arbitration 2024

Who’s Who Legal Arbitration 2024 ranking is out now and our arbitration team is proud for the recognition. Florian Haugeneder has been singled out as the Global Elite Thought Leader in Austria and is saluted as “extremely effective as counsel” and “very focused and structured in his approach”. Additionally, Florian has been recommended in the…

„45 under 45“ by Who’s Who Legal

Congratulations to Patrizia Netal for being recognized a leader in international arbitration in the category “45 under 45”  by Who’s Who Legal! We would like to thank peers and colleagues for their trust and appreciation. You may read her full interview here.

IBA Asset Recovery Conference – Vienna 2023

The inaugural International Bar Association (IBA) Asset Recovery Conference, which took place last week in Vienna, proved to be a huge success. A two-day program, featuring insightful panels and outstanding speakers and delegates, created a backdrop for dynamic discussions and an invaluable sharing of experience among leading players in the asset recovery world. The topic highlights included: successful…

Workshop on international arbitration and VIS Moot

Our team at KNOETZL takes pride in sharing experience and educating the new generation of talented lawyers. In particular when it comes to international arbitration and the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (aka Vis Moot).Associate Arnela Maglić, a former mootie and coach, was part of the expert team, alongside Fahira Brodlija, Catherine A. Rogers, Amanda Lee, Amina Hasanović and Nevena Jevremovic, in…