Summer Opening June 13, 2018

Once again, the KNOETZL family was delighted to gather on our rooftop terrace in the heart of Vienna’s glorious imperial center to Open the Summer of 2018 with many of our cherished clients, friends, business partners, colleagues at the bar, fellow professional services providers, and members of the press – both from Austria, and elsewhere.   As in Summer Openings past,  the focus of our guest speaker was different from that of previous celebrations, but, as always, we kept the theme squarely within the KNOETZL DNA.

Following addresses by Austria’s then Minister of Justice two years ago, and a renowned academic specialized in having fun as an important element of productivity and success — a theme near and dear to our hearts – last year, we were riveted in hearing about effective communication from a legendary expert,  Frank Asmus, international communication expert, including longstanding advisor to Apple in its sea change, market and products-altering, protracted explosion upon the world.  Frank’s message of the art of persuasion was absorbed, processed and lauded by many of the bankers, construction and engineering, pharmaceutical, real estate operatior, government officials, financial service providers, techies, automotive suppliers, members of the television and press corps and entertainment executives — throughout the night — as our guests enjoyed the wonderful strains of our special friend, Franz Luttenberger, and his spectacular band of magical music-makers — and marveled at how, despite being surrounded in time and geography by rain, the weather and bonhomie – for us – remained Summer-perfect.