Schiefer Awards 2024

The future belongs to the bold was the take away message from the keynote Natalie Amiri, journalist and moderator ARD Weltspiegel at the second edition of Schiefer Award 2024. A heartfelt congratulations to Bettina Knoetzl and Transparency International Austria for their outstanding achievement in winning the Schiefer Award in the category Governance, in an exclusive…

Ö1: Transparency-Forderung an nächste Bundesregierung

Bettina Knötzl, Vorsitzende von Transparency International Austria, sprach kĂĽrzlich mit Katja Arthofer, Ă–1 Mittagsjournal, ĂĽber die dringende Notwendigkeit, Korruption effektiv zu bekämpfen und deren Bedeutung fĂĽr Ă–sterreichs Zukunft. Eine klare Botschaft an die nächste Bundesregierung: Transparenz schafft Vertrauen und stärkt das Ansehen des Landes als ein entscheidender Faktor fĂĽr den Wirtschaftsstandort Ă–sterreich. 10 Forderungen an…

Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide on Enforcement of Judgments

KNOETZL contributed to the latest edition of the Austrian chapter for the Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide on Enforcement of Judgments. Authored by Bettina Knoetzl, Patrizia Netal, Katrin Hanschitz and Natascha Tunkel, the article provides a comprehensive exploration of the enforcement of domestic and foreign judgments in Austria, as well as the enforcement of…

GAR Know-How Commercial Arbitration 2024

KNOETZL partners Patrizia Netal, Florian Haugeneder, Jurgita PetkutÄ— and Natascha Tunkel have authored the GAR Know-how Commercial Arbitration for Austria. The updated edition of 2024 serves as a quick reference, providing up-to-date, clear and concise information on commercial arbitration in Austria. You can access the full GAR Guide here: link We invite you to explore…

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