Global Women Litigators Breakfast at the IBA 2024 in Mexico City

Exciting times ahead at the IBA Annual Meeting in Mexico City! As the founder of the Women Litigators Breakfast during my time as Chair of the Litigation Committee, I’m thrilled to see this event broaden its scope every year. It continues to be a must-attend gathering for litigators who champion diversity. Mark your calendars for…

Bucharest Arbitration Days

On 7 June 2024, KNOETZL partners Florian Haugeneder and Natascha Tunkel participated in this year’s amazing Bucharest Arbitration Days, sharing their expertise and insights with the global arbitration community. The panels were stellar, and the animation of the debates was truly excellent. Florian Haugeneder contributed to the panel “Investment Arbitration: Keeping Up with the States’…

Moldova Arbitration Days

On 7 May, KNOETZL partner Florian Haugeneder will speak during the First Moldova Arbitration Days in Chisinau. Florian Haugeneder will speak about Competition Law Claims in the Energy Sector. You can register here: link We hope to see many of you there.

Business Breakfast

Bert Ortner, Partner und Leiter des Teams Arbeitsrecht bei KNOETZL, und Jörg P. Seitz, Partner bei Mercuri Urval Austria, laden zu einem Business Breakfast ein. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei die Themen: Wann: Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2024, 8.30 UhrWo: KNOETZL, Herrengasse 1, 1010 Wien Bitte melden Sie sich bis 9. Mai hier an: Link Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Istanbul Arbitration Day

In the course of the Istanbul Arbitration Days our partner Patrizia Netal had the opportunity to speak on two panels. On 17th April, at the Jus Mundi/MoroÄźlu Arseven event, Patrizia Netal shared a panel with Flore Poloni (Signature Litigation), Sumru Akter (Omni Bridgeway), Esen Aydın (Jus Mundi) and Fulya Kurar (MoroÄźlu Arseven). The panel was…

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