Transparency International Austrian Chapter “GGT”

On Thursday, September 14, 2023, KNOETZL had the great pleasure to host Transparency International – Austrian Chapter (TI-AC)’s “GGT” at KNOETZL’s skytop offices. The get-together was assembled to pay tribute to the work and achievements of Professor Eva Geiblinger, a founding member of the non-profit organisation, as she steps down from her accomplished role of the Chairwoman of the Board. Her experience in fighting corruption spans over three decades, and thanks to her valiant efforts, TI-AC has grown steadily to an important voice that is heard when it comes to the fight for more transparency.
Among the guests was Bürgermeister Michael Ludwig, the Mayor and Governor of Vienna, whose great accomplishments include winning the competition for the desired title of “most transparent city in Austria” in TI-AC’s ranking “Transparente Gemeinde”. Professor Geiblinger’s great body of work was appropriately praised by the Burgermeister on the occasion, as well as by Franz Fiedler (Honorary President), Alexander Picker (newly appointed Chairman of the Board), Bettina Knoetzl (President) and numerous guests, all of whom are quite grateful that she will continue to serve TI-AC as a board member, ensuring a smooth transition to Mr. Picker’s helmsmanship.