We wish you all a prosperous, good pre-Christmas season.
While the pandemic and lockdown force many of us to perform our work from home, we @ KNOETZL feel privileged and inspired, as we continue to help our clients through these great challenges by being able to occasionally enjoy the stunning views served up to our offices in the heart of Vienna, at Herrengasse 1. We look forward to the time when we will again be able to share these views with our dear clients, friends  and business partners, as in pre-pandemic times. Currently, our overwhelming wish is, of course, for all to remain healthy and for us all to come an end of the pandemic, as soon as possible. In the meanwhile, we continue to be available for our clients without interruption or compromise,  via phone, texts, videoconferences and, when necessary,  in person. We wish you all a prosperous, good pre-Christmas season.