The Law Reviews Professional Negligence

For a variety of reasons, there is always the risk for those who provide professional services – be they architects, lawyers, auditors, doctors, financial advisors or otherwise – that their clients may wish to hold them liable for alleged errors. Even the most profoundly skilled professionals are not exempted. The 4th edition of the Professional…

Ars Boni Spezial mit Bettina Knötzl

Im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung „Juristische Recherche“ lud Univ. Prof. Nikolaus Forgó zu einem Ars Boni Spezial mit Bettina Knötzl. Vor über tausend Studierenden pro Semester diskutiert Prof. Forgó in Form einer Podcast Serie vom Institut für Innovation und Digitalisierung rechtliche Themen. Diese Folge geht folgenden Fragen nach: Wie kann man eine Karriere als Jurist:in planen?…

University of Vienna in the Quarterfinals of the Second Virtual Vis Moot

The oral hearings of the 28th prestigious Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot were held virtually. The Vis Moot team of the University of Vienna (Alena Bischinger, Jonathan Brunner, Emily Madl, Anna Weinzierl, Gabriel Wunderlich and Sarah Zedlacher) finished among the best eight teams in the oral phase of the competition among 384 teams.…

Austria’s newly-enacted‚ Home Office Act Summarized: Working From Home, Not Working From Away

The ‘Home Office Act’ (the ‘Act’) entered into force on April 1, 2021. The original text in German may be found in the Official Gazette: ‘Home Office’ means that the employee works his job at the employee’s (or a close relative’s) private residence (including vacation homes), but excluding co-working spaces, hotel rooms, cafeterias, parks…

Interim Injunctions in Austria

Protection awarded by interim injunctions strengthened by recent Supreme Court decision Interim injunctions difficult to obtain, but immediately enforceable The threshold for obtaining Interim injunctions is higher in Austria than in many other EU jurisdictions such as France or the Netherlands. However, once obtained, the Austrian interim injunction is highly effective: It becomes immediately enforceable,…

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