Aarna Law – Enforcement of Arbitral Awards – A Global Guide for Practitioners

Marking 125 years of its significant role in international arbitration, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) has evolved into a modern, multi-faceted institution that bridges public and private international law, adapting to the ever-changing needs of global dispute resolution.
To commemorate this historic milestone, Bettina Knoetzl and Natascha Tunkel have contributed to The Enforcement of Arbitral Awards – A Global Guide for Practitioners, which offers insights into the legal framework for enforcement in Austria.
Led by Aarna Law and featuring contributions from emersive 25 law practices worldwide, this comprehensive guide explores the intricacies of arbitral awards and their enforcement across 25 jurisdictions.
Enforcing arbitral awards is crucial to the efficacy and credibility of international arbitration. The PCA continues to play an indispensable role in supporting and facilitating these processes, ensuring that arbitral decisions are effectively implemented across borders—assuring confidence in arbitration as a means of reliable dispute resolution.
Read the full guide here https://publications.aarnalaw.com/