Awful but Lawful Practices

On October 10, 2016, the Working Group Compliance of Transparency International, Austrian Chapter, hosted a compliance event titled “Awful but Lawful Practices”. Professor Nikos Passas, who teaches at the International Anti-Corruption Academy, provided his key note speech focusing on the need to act in a social responsible way and not only to comply with the law, in order to successfully fight corruption on an international level. The Working Group Compliance was represented by its chairman Dr. Martin Walter, Telekom Austria, and by its members Mag. Eva Graf, OeNB, and Alina Reibetanz, GlaxoSmithKline. Bettina Knoetzl, President of Transparency International, Austrian Chapter’s Advisory Board, moderated the panel discussion with a focus on the current practical challenges for Compliance Officers in Austria and a lookout into future practices. A wish to rather reduce the complexity of the legal provisions in favor of the development of joint best practices emerged.