Bucharest Arbitration Days

On 7 June 2024, KNOETZL partners Florian Haugeneder and Natascha Tunkel participated in this year’s amazing Bucharest Arbitration Days, sharing their expertise and insights with the global arbitration community. The panels were stellar, and the animation of the debates was truly excellent.

Florian Haugeneder contributed to the panel “Investment Arbitration: Keeping Up with the States’ Sovereign Right to Regulate” together with Jaroslav Kudrna (Head of the International Arbitration and Investment Protection Unit at the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic) – Mahnaz Malik (Twenty Essex) – Ileana Smeureanu (Jones Day). The session was moderated by Kabir Duggal, Ph.D (Arnold & Porter).

Natascha Tunkel spoke on the panel “No Secret Sorcery: How Arbitral Institutions (Should) Appoint Arbitrators” together with Daniel Durante (Patocchi & Marzolini), Oksana Karel (Hogan Lovells) and Violeta Saranciuc (Zamfirescu Racoti Vasile & Partners), moderated by Niamh Leinwather (VIAC).

The full conference has been recorded and is available online here: link