Sanctions regimes around the world are having a massive impact on legal work. Worldwide assets amounting to many billions in euros, dollars or pounds including trophy assets such as a 90 million yacht in Mallorca, have been frozen on short notice. ICC FraudNet, the top tier listed Fraud and Asset Recovery Network in which KNOETZL is…
The leadership committee of the IBA Litigation Committee is in serious prep mode for the upcoming Annual Litigation Forum. As are many members across the globe, our litigation partner, Bettina Knötzl, former Co-Chair of this Committee, is eager to finally(!) attend this networking meeting in April, 2022 – in person! The pandemic cost us a…
Ăśber Einladung von Nationalratspräsident Wolfgang Sobotka diskutierten am 25.2.2022 ĂĽberschattet von den Grundrechtsverletzungen des russischen Staates in der Ukraine, unsere Partnerin Bettina Knötzl gemeinsam mit Pabel, Prof. Kert, Prof. Ratz und Prof. Eisenberger und einem hochkarätigen Publikum österreichischen Parlament Diskussion zum Thema „Beschuldigtenrechte unter Druck – Rechtliche und politische Aufklärung im Gleichschritt“. Gemeinsam mit…
The oral hearings of the 28th prestigious Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot were held virtually. The Vis Moot team of the University of Vienna (Alena Bischinger, Jonathan Brunner, Emily Madl, Anna Weinzierl, Gabriel Wunderlich and Sarah Zedlacher) finished among the best eight teams in the oral phase of the competition among 384 teams.…
While many arbitration conferences over the past year were cancelled due to the persisting Covid-19 pandemic, the organizers of the Vienna Arbitration Days 2021, with KNOETZL partner and ArbAut President Florian Haugeneder at the helm, opted for a different path: On 12 February 2021, Austria’s leading arbitration conference was for the first time held remotely. More than…