KNOETZL is proud to participate, along with other global elite law firms in, and providing the Austria Chapter for, this newly published seminal work on the critically important area of internal corporate investigations.
The book, entitled The Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations, is the product of a rare, concerted, effort by several of the world’s most distinguished and preeminent firms — whose participation reflects the critical importance and growing need for companies’ and their advisors’ delicate and competent handling of internal investigations, whether prompted by official inquiry best practices or internal compliance and audit systems.
The second edition of the Practitioner’s Guide is edited by the excellent team of Law Business Research Ltd, London, who screened and assembled this top team of law firms , most expert in conducting and guiding investigations in each of the jurisdictions covered in this Guide, including international firms like Allen & Overy, Clifford Chance, Debevois & Plimton, Freshfields, Gibson, Dunn, Hogan Lovells, Skadden Arps, Sullivan & Cromwell and peers, ultimately connecting 44 outstanding firms in this body of work. (view participanting firms)
KNOETZL were honored and delighted to be included in this distinguished collection of expert law firms represented and called upon to produce this crucial work that should become the anchor of all senior corporate managers’ and general counsels’ reference libraries.
Link Here for Austrian Chapter
Link Here for GIR Publication Information