IBA Asset Recovery Conference – Vienna 2023

The inaugural International Bar Association (IBA) Asset Recovery Conference, which took place last week in Vienna, proved to be a huge success. A two-day program, featuring insightful panels and outstanding speakers and delegates, created a backdrop for dynamic discussions and an invaluable sharing of experience among leading players in the asset recovery world. The topic highlights included: successful asset recovery strategy in both common and civil jurisdictions, international model law on asset recovery, rights and role of victims and third-party interference, monetising awards and judgments against sanctioned states and entities. Bettina Knoetzl, alongside Stéphane Bonifassi, Pierre-Yves Marro, Keith Oliver, with the moderation of Andreas Erotocritou, shared their perspectives on litigating for or against States and the issue of State immunity from the perspective of asset recovery proceedings.
To wrap up the conference, KNOETZL together with ICC FraudNet, hosted a cocktail reception to celebrate the successful first edition of the conference and continue the fruitful discussions, in style.
With its strong focus on asset recovery and asset tracing, our firm was delighted to be a significant part of this unique event, assisting participants from across the globe in developing new, strong, connections and likely, effective, collaborations. As always, it was a true pleasure to have so many outstanding and focused practitioners here in Vienna. We hope to see many of them soon again.
Kudos to the leadership of the IBA Asset Recovery Committee, including Tomislav Sunjka, Sara Sheffield, Stephen Baker, Kate McMahon, Jessica Lee, Keith Oliver and Jonathan Addo. Many thanks to them and everyone who made it all possible!