ITA Roundtable at the UNCITRAL Working Group III

We look forward to hosting the traditional and highly anticipated Institute for Transnational Arbitration ITA Roundtable at the UNCITRAL Working Group III, focusing on Counterclaims in Investment Arbitration: Proposals at UNCITRAL Working Group III. The Roundtable will delve into the Draft Provision 10 of the UNCITRAL: United Nations Commission on International Trade Law paper A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.244 which addresses “counterclaims” in ISDS proceedings. This provision allows respondents in ISDS proceedings to submit counterclaims arising directly out of the subject matter of the claim; or in connection with the factual and legal basis of the claim; or based on claimant’s failure to comply with its obligations under the relevant treaty, domestic law, any relevant investment contract or binding legal instrument.
The distinguished panel includes Professor Laurence Boisson de Chazournes (University of Geneva and Matrix Chambers), Professor Chester Brown SC (University of Sydney, 7 Wentworth Selborne Chambers (Sydney), and Essex Court Chambers (London)), Florian Haugeneder (KNOETZL), Jaroslav Kudrna (Head of the International Arbitration and Investment Protection Unit at the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic (Ministerstvo financà České republiky)) and Tom Sikora (ExxonMobil) and will present diverse views on the topic, including those of the States and of the foreign investors, under the moderation of Dr Crina Baltag, FCIArb (Stockholm University). The welcome note will be delivered by Jurgita Petkutė (KNOETZL).
Register here (link) and join us on 20 January 2025 to exchange insights, network, and explore innovative solutions shaping the future of investment arbitration.