ITA Roundtable at UNCITRAL Working Group III

Join us on 23 September 2024 for the highly anticipated ITA Roundtable at UNCITRAL Working Group III: Denying the Benefits of Investment Treaties: Proposals at UNCITRAL Working Group III, hosted by KNOETZL. The Roundtable will focus on Draft Provision 17 of the UNCITRAL paper A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.244 which addresses the ‘denial of benefits’ clause, allowing States to…

South-Eastern Europe Arbitration Conference 2024

We are excited to announce that our partner Jurgita Petkutė will be speaking at the second edition of the South-Eastern Europe Arbitration Conference SEEA “Current Trends in International Arbitration in South Eastern Europe”, joining the leading arbitration practitioners and scholars, which will take place on 26 September 2024, at the Almanac Palais in Vienna. Jurgita…

KNOETZL Summer Gathering

What a fantastic end of the summer celebration! Our team took a well-deserved break from the office and headed to the beautiful Alte Donau for an unforgettable summer gathering. From competing in some seriously fun pedal boat races to soaking up the sun, it was a perfect way to unwind and reconnect outside the office.…

Rechtspanorama „Mit Eifer Vorbild sein“

Bettina Knötzl über Rechtsanwälte und Rechtsanwältinnen als Vorbilder für den Umgang miteinander. Im Hinblick auf die Wahlkampfzeiten appelliert sie an alle Interessensvertreterinnen, möglichst sachlich zu argumentieren und auf Beleidigungen zu verzichten, auch wenn das in der Hitze des Gefechts gelegentlich schwer fällt. Eine mit Bedacht gewählte Sprache tut dem gebotenen Eifer für die Sache keinen Abbruch.  Wer…

Global Women Litigators Breakfast at the IBA 2024 in Mexico City

Exciting times ahead at the IBA Annual Meeting in Mexico City! As the founder of the Women Litigators Breakfast during my time as Chair of the Litigation Committee, I’m thrilled to see this event broaden its scope every year. It continues to be a must-attend gathering for litigators who champion diversity. Mark your calendars for…

Celebrating Excellence: Highlights from the CDRC Vienna 2024

There was reason to celebrate at the CDRC Vienna – The IBA-VIAC Mediation & Negotiation Competition awards: Students and their coaches from all around the world had demonstrated enthusiastically that exceptional skills and dedication lead to innovative solutions and continued excellence in dispute resolution. Our future is indeed bright with such talent at the helm!…

“Schulschluss: So legal sind Geschenke für Lehrer”

In last week’s Kronen Zeitung, our partner Bettina Knoetzl, tackled a timely and important topic for pupils, parents and teachers: “Schulschluss: So legal sind Geschenke für Lehrer”. As happens every year, many parents want to show their appreciation and gratitude to teachers. However, it is important to understand the legal boundaries implicated in this tradition.…