Exposure of Managing Directors of Austrian Corporate Entities in Times of COVID-19

Management teams have found themselves confronted by a whole new world of perilous risks since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Regulatory, public health, legal and commercial developments have been rapid and unpredictable, causing risk profiles to shift in potentially dramatic ways and raising uncertainty as to the propriety of company responses. As litigators and…

Protecting Customer Lists and Other Trade Secrets in Austria

Walking the line between the lawful use of information obtained from (former) employers and the unlawful exploitation of trade secrets Trust is an essential ingredient for building and retaining business in almost all industries. Specifically: trust in employees and business partners. But what happens when those employees leave or partnerships break?  Trade secrets can easily…

We wish you all a prosperous, good pre-Christmas season.

While the pandemic and lockdown force many of us to perform our work from home, we @ KNOETZL feel privileged and inspired, as we continue to help our clients through these great challenges by being able to occasionally enjoy the stunning views served up to our offices in the heart of Vienna, at Herrengasse 1.…

KNOETZL wins major ICSID arbitration for Casinos Austria

KNOETZL adds another major success to its track record in international arbitration. With the Award dated 5 November 2021, the Arbitral Tribunal in Casinos Austria v Argentine Republic decided that the Argentine Republic had breached Article 4(1) and (2) of the Argentina-Austria BIT by subjecting Casinos Austria to an unlawful expropriation. The ICSID Tribunal has…

Junganwältetag 2021

KNOETZL engagiert um den Nachwuchs: In ihrer Funktion als Vizepräsidentin der RAK Wien unterstĂĽtzte Bettina Knötzl den Junganwältetag 2021. Er war ein voller Erfolg, nicht zuletzt dank des hervorragenden Veranstaltungsorts, der Urania (sh Fotos) und des traumhaften Wetters. Vorallem waren die Themen „heiß“ und wurden durch exzellente Experten vermittelt, die auf groĂźes Interesse der Junganwälteschaft…

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