Derzeit sind zivilgerichtliche Verhandlungen nur abzuhalten, wenn dies notwendig ist, um Gefahr fĂĽr Leib und Leben oder unwiederbringliche Schäden abzuwenden. Grund dafĂĽr sind die MaĂźnahmen, die zur Verhinderung der Verbreitung von COVID-19 die Bewegungsfreiheit und den zwischenmenschlichen Kontakt einschränken. Derzeit ist nicht absehbar, wie lange solche MaĂźnahmen weiter notwendig sein werden. Trotzdem sollen ab Mai 2020…
At present, civil court hearings may only be held if it is urgently necessary to avert danger to life and physical integrity, or to prevent irreparable harm. This is a part of the measures restricting freedom of movement and socialcontact in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. It is not presently known how long such measures will continue to be in place. Nevertheless, oral hearings are scheduled to take…
With the freedom of movement restricted and the Austrian justice system impaired for this critical phase of the global crisis, concerns about deadlines, oral hearings, service of court documents, enforcement amongst other things are flaring up. Judith Schacherreiter and Bettina Knoetzl, in her function as the Austrian representative of the ICC-FraudNet, have published a succinct overview…
Difficult circumstances could not keep the lawyers and staff at KNOETZL from celebrating together, while maintaining social distancing, the latest, outstanding, results-oriented, rankings from The Legal 500. We are humbled and thankful to have been recognized as a Top Tier Law Firm in all Dispute Resolution practice areas of Arbitration and Mediation, Commercial Litigation and…
For the first time, the oral hearings of the 27th prestigious Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot were held virtually. Despite the difficult circumstances, the Vis Moot team of the University of Vienna (Lukas Brunner, Andreas Cooke, Paul Lorenz EichmĂĽller, Johanna Göschlberger, Fabian Pollitzer, Lukas Scheidl and Florentin Zajc) advanced to the Round of…