Roundtable on Damages and Compensation in Investor-State Arbitration

Next week the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Working Group III resumes its work in Vienna on the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform. On this occasion, Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA) and KNOETZL are cordially inviting you to the roundtable dedicated to the question of damages and compensation and, particularly, on addressing Draft Provision 23: Assessment of damages and compensation and Draft Provision 10: Shareholder claims. Our stellar panel of speakers, Prof. Dr. Marboe Irmgard (University of Vienna), Tom Sikora (Senior Counsel Exxon Mobil Corporation, Chair of the ITA), Florian Haugeneder (Partner, KNOETZL), James Castello (Partner, King and Spalding; Member of the US Delegation to UNCITRAL WG II and III, Vice-Chair of the ITA), Peri Mikayelyan (Chief Specialist, International Arbitration Department, Government of Armenia) and Alexander Demuth (Managing Director, Secretariat), under the skillful moderation of Prof. Dr Crina Baltag (Stockholm University), will address the types of compensation in investor-State arbitrations, the calculation of monetary damages, issues of contributory fault of investors, rare relief of moral damages, shareholders’ reflective loss, and the role of quantum expert in investor-State arbitrations. The roundtable aims at debating the said provisions while presenting the views from the States, the foreign investors, the experts and legal practitioners involved in the ISDS proceedings. The welcoming note will be delivered by Anna Joubin-Bret (Secretary, UNCITRAL) and Patrizia Netal (KNOETZL).