Panel discussion “Working with Experts – A Case Study Using the Vis Moot Problem”

The oral rounds of the 31st Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot are starting in Vienna already this week! On this occasion KNOETZL is delighted to host a panel discussion co-organized together with YAWP – Young Arbitral Women Practitioners and Equal Representation for Expert Witnesses (ERE) on “Working with Experts” in international arbitration. We…

Panel discussion “Reunited – Friend or Foe? How to address the challenges of settlement facilitation during arbitral proceedings?”

Join us on 12 October for a panel discussion “Reunited – Friend or Foe? How to address the challenges of settlement facilitation during arbitral proceedings?”, with our stellar panel of speakers including: Anna Förstel-Cherng, Jurgita PetkutÄ— (Moderator), Benjamin Siino, Noah Rubins KC, Thomas Granier, Patrizia Netal, followed by a reception on the rooftop terrace. The…

KNOETZL Doppel beim Junganwält:innentag 2022

Junganwält:innentag 2022
Bild: Rechtsanwaltskammer Wien

Praktische Infos rund um den Berufseinstieg und -alltag fĂĽr Junganwält:innen standen wieder im Zentrum beim diesjährigen Junganwält:innentag der Rechtsanwaltskammer Wien. Etablierte Top-Anwält:innen standen Rede und Antwort bei intensiven Diskussionen ĂĽber Legal Tech, neue Geschäftsfelder durch technische Innovationen, sowie Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung im Anwaltsberuf. Bei KNOETZL wird die Förderung von Junganwält:innen groĂźgeschrieben. Deshalb waren…



“The only thing better than a good lawyer, is a good lawyer with chocolate.” This was not only the winning phrase of our modest, internal competition, but it could also be the unofficial motto of this splendid end-of-Summer event above Vienna’s beautiful center last Wednesday. The previously-teased surprise “Sweet Twist” was revealed to be a…

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