Chambers International Fraud and Asset Tracing 2022 Global Practice Guide

Image: Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0

The world is currently in a state of great turmoil as a result of, among other things, the effects of the pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the global economy remains fragile. These are classic preconditions for an increase in fraud disputes and related asset-tracing. It is essential that practitioners in this field keep…

Media in the Courtroom – Bettina Knoetzl Advocates for the Utilization of Litigation PR Experts

Litigation PR Experts; Media; Courtroom
Plädoyer für eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Anwalt, Mandant und Litigation-PR-Experten Von Bettina Knoetzl

  In a recent article, published in Dispute Resolution magazine, Bettina Knoetzl highlights the importance of the cooperation between clients, legal representatives and litigation PR experts with all involved players when the media is present in the courtroom. The presence of the media and therefore the immediate publicity surrounding an ongoing legal battle leads to…

Verteidigung in Auslieferungssachen – Philip Marsch Mitautor des Handbuchs Strafverteidigung

Wien/ Mai 2017: Im Handbuch Strafverteidigung behandeln renommierte österreichische Rechtsanwälte alle Aspekte der Strafverteidigung vom Ermittlungsverfahren bis zu den Möglichkeiten nach Rechtskraft des Urteils – das Handbuch Strafverteidigung ist das erste seiner Art in Ă–sterreich (Link). Philip Marsch behandelt die komplexe Materie des Auslieferungsrechts – hier konnte der Mitautor zuletzt die Verfahrensrechte Betroffener in Ăśbergabesachen…

Litigation: „Hunting hidden treasures“ – Article by Bettina Knoetzl featured in Who’s Who Legal

“As international commercial links increase, it becomes more and more important for creditors to collect on claims across international borders, to be able to locate assets and – with the assistance of the courts – to act quickly to attach them. Litigators find themselves more frequently engaged in cases where their clients are victims of…

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