Vienna Bar Association – Recognition for Outstanding Legal Contributions

On 21 January 2025, we were gratified to see our senior founding partner, Bettina Knoetzl, receive the diamond and ruby-studded Honorary Pin from the Vienna Bar Association (Rechtsanwaltskammer Wien (RAK Wien)) through its President, Prof. Dr. Michael Rohregger. The award was given in recognition of her various contributions to the legal profession, especially relating to her part in growing the RAK Wien’s retirement funds, increasing the commitment to compliance and promoting diversity within the Vienna Bar.
When Bettina was first elected Vice President of the RAK Wien, she quickly drafted the first of Austria’s Bars’ Compliance Guidelines and is now the bar’s compliance commissioner. She actively assists young lawyers in their careers and chairs Austria’s Investment Committee for Lawyers (Anlageausschuss). The award ceremony took place at the AULA of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW)), when the Academy opened its doors to host RAK Wien’s New Year’s Reception, in a beautiful blend of reflection and anticipation for 2025. Between inspiring speeches, including from the President of Austria’s Supreme Court (OGH), Justice Prof. Dr. Georg Kodek, and the President of the Court of Appeal Vienna (OLG), Judge Katharina Lehmayer, timely discussions on the rule of law, democracy and justice, participants celebrated the achievements of our legal community.
In addition to Bettina’s award, five honorary pins were awarded to lawyers for their extraordinary dedication to the legal community and commitments to continue their service. We are honored to celebrate this well-deserved honor with each of them.