Wein Wanderung

There is no “bad weather” in “team spirit“. Our Team, with spouses, partners and tons of our fantastic and initially hungry kids, once again enjoyed a memorable time together during one of our very favorite fall activities – Wine Hiking, aka, participating in the always spectacular Wien Wein Wanderung. We climbed by trolley made famous in the minstrels’ song to the appointed rendezvous, hiked up and up and up, explored the fruitful vineyards, and kicked back all afternoon, as we enjoyed Grinzing’s breathtaking views over Vienna and connected with each other – in the open air – away from desks, computers, AI, courtrooms and conference rooms. The spirit, the energy and the laughter let us all see past the briefly rainy skies and, instead, put the warmth, camaraderie, and spirit of Hail-fellow-well-met into our grateful hearts.
We, lawyers and our wonderful support staff, spend much time in the office, researching through cyber-libraries, drafting, structuring working diligently and incessantly – feverishly challenging each other, testing legal strategies and cutting-edge judicial arguments – all towards producing the never-ending drumbeat of success for our worthy clients. To accomplish that, we occasionally need to recharge with some time, together, in the beautifully cultivated quiet and scenery of Vienna’s famous vineyards, as we celebrate the vintage, our fantastic mates and their families, and briefly disconnect from our busy schedules, enjoying the simple pleasures in life.
Thank you, Team, for all your efforts! A toast to your health!