Puls 4 Interview: Umwidmungen von GrundstĂĽcken Stellung

Am Freitag, 22. September 2023, bezog die Anti-Korruptionsexpertin Bettina Knötzl, Präsidentin von Transparency International Austrian Chapter zum Thema Umwidmungen von GrundstĂĽcken Stellung. Sie fordert Transparenz bei der Umwidmung von GrundstĂĽcken, weil sonst Insider-Wissen zum persönlichen finanziellen Vorteil der wenigen Eingeweihten und zum Nachteil der Steuerzahler:innen ausgenutzt werden kann. Hier ein Auszug aus dem Puls 4…

A Spelling Error in Vienna

Florian Haugeneder starred in the latest episode of Arbitration World with Declan Gallivan (K&L Gates) and shared his insights on topical Austrian cases: how a spelling error made its way to the Austrian Supreme Court. Listen now:

Transparency International Austrian Chapter “GGT”

On Thursday, September 14, 2023, KNOETZL had the great pleasure to host Transparency International – Austrian Chapter (TI-AC)’s “GGT” at KNOETZL’s skytop offices. The get-together was assembled to pay tribute to the work and achievements of Professor Eva Geiblinger, a founding member of the non-profit organisation, as she steps down from her accomplished role of…

VIAC Roadshow in Berlin

Partner Patrizia Netal, Vice-President of Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC), together with Nikolaus Pitkowitz, VIAC President, Stefan Riegler, Ben Steinbrück, Anne-Karin Grill and Meike von Levetzow discussed the efficient dispute resolution under the VIAC Rules during the German Roadshow “Inside VIAC”, as part of the Berlin Dispute Resolution Days (BDRD).

ICAL 20th Anniversary Conference in Stockholm

End of Summer marked the 20th anniversary of the Stockholm University International Commercial Arbitration Law Programme (ICAL) which was celebrated in style with an international conference organized by ICAL Alumni Association. It brought together leading arbitration practitioners, academics, and arbitrators from all over the world and examined the developments in international arbitration and whether a…

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