Transparenz und Kontrolle wirken präventiv

Transparenz und Kontrolle wirken präventiv, betonte Bettina Knötzl in ihrer Funktion als Präsidentin des Beirats von Transparency International Ă–sterreich diese Woche im Interview mit Der Anlass: FragwĂĽrdige GrundstĂĽcksgeschäfte von BĂĽrgermeistern in mehreren niederösterreichischen Gemeinden haben die Diskussion neu entfacht, ob der Landesrechnungshof mehr Kompetenzen bekommen und auch Gemeinden mit weniger als 10.000 Einwohnern prĂĽfen…

XIV Belgrade Arbitration Conference – “The arbitrator’s fear to touch criminal law questions”

On 15 March, KNOETZL partner Florian Haugeneder spoke at the XIV Belgrade Arbitration Conference alongside Carlos Ramos-Mrosovsky, Miranda Elvidge, Nenad B. Knovacevic, Tatiana Minvaeva and Urs Zenhausern on “The arbitrator’s fear to touch criminal law questions”. Many thanks to the University of Belgrade, the Under 40 Serbian Arbitration Association (SAA), the German Arbitration Institute (DIS)…

Chambers & Partners Europe Dispute Resolution and White-Collar Crime 2024

We are grateful to our clients that, once again, KNOETZL has been recognised in the latest Chambers and Partners Europe Guide 2024 in Band 1 in dispute resolution and, Band 2, in white-collar crime. Our partners Bettina Knoetzl, Florian Haugeneder, Patrizia Netal, Thomas Voppichler, were designated as well, among the top-ranked lawyers in dispute resolution…

EmpowerHER ADR: Navigating Paths to Inclusivity and Relevance

On International Women’s Day, KNOETZL partner Patrizia Netal took part in a fireside chat with Emi Rowse Igusa, Partner and Head of Japan Practice at Kudun and Partners that was organized by the ADR Wellbeing Toolbox, a co-creation of ARBalance and VIAC. The online event titled “EmpowerHER ADR: Navigating Paths to Inclusivity and Relevance” was…

Panel discussion “Working with Experts – A Case Study Using the Vis Moot Problem”

The oral rounds of the 31st Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot are starting in Vienna already this week! On this occasion KNOETZL is delighted to host a panel discussion co-organized together with YAWP – Young Arbitral Women Practitioners and Equal Representation for Expert Witnesses (ERE) on “Working with Experts” in international arbitration. We…

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