CDRC launch reception

Every year mediators, seasoned experts, negotiation coaches and assessors meet at the CDRC Vienna – The IBA-VIAC Mediation & Negotiation Competition, a global platform connecting current and future experts by teaming up with top universities and institutions from all across the world. The CDRC offers one of the best learning and networking experience for ADR enthusiasts world-wide.
Together for a spectacular kick-off, our partners Bettina Knoetzl and Natascha Tunkel, (also serving as assessors in this week’s competition) hosted a Wine Tasting Reception on Friday, 5 July, to celebrate the launch of CDRC 2024. We at KNOETZL are delighted to play our part in this leading, global, student competition in alternative dispute resolution.
Here’s to more learning, networking, and memorable moments in the days to come!
A big “thank you” to all the sponsors, assessors, administrators, experts and supporters who attended our party and helped make this kick-off event a sparkling success!